texas carol

  1. ddnene

    Help Needed! Wallygator has another interdigital cyst... Ugh!

    I took the pups to the groomers yesterday, and I get a pic from the groomer showing Wally has ANOTHER cyst in his front paw... I swear this is round 3 since the summer. I feel bad because I hurt my back last weekend, so I wasn't able to do my normal grooming routine on the pups and I didn't...
  2. agingermom

    My new Granddaughter

    Introducing my new grandaughter (my first biological one!!), Miss Ailyn Marie. She was born on Dec 12 after giving her mom hell!! She was 7 lbs 8 0z and 20 inches long. My son is still in Army bootcamp so missed her birth but will be home on Thursday to enjoy her company for 2 weeks!!