
  1. agingermom

    Henny has crossed the Rainbow Bridge

    Our house is grieving the loss of Miss Henny Penny, our Frenchie rescue from Last December. She was on steroids after her hemivertibrae starting compressing her spine causing paralysis, inability to urinate on own and incontinence of feces. She had an appointment this week with a neurosurgeon...
  2. ddnene

    Help Needed! Wallygator has another interdigital cyst... Ugh!

    I took the pups to the groomers yesterday, and I get a pic from the groomer showing Wally has ANOTHER cyst in his front paw... I swear this is round 3 since the summer. I feel bad because I hurt my back last weekend, so I wasn't able to do my normal grooming routine on the pups and I didn't...
  3. agingermom

    Petey is 1!! Sing happy birthday with us

  4. agingermom

    Introducing my new fur baby

    I just put a deposit on a frenchie!! He is 3 weeks old! I can pick him up on Oct 20, which seems so far away. We are fighting over names now but I am digging the pirate theme. I had some help with the decision from my friend @Davidh making sure I made a good choice. And of course @bullmama...
  5. agingermom

    My new Granddaughter

    Introducing my new grandaughter (my first biological one!!), Miss Ailyn Marie. She was born on Dec 12 after giving her mom hell!! She was 7 lbs 8 0z and 20 inches long. My son is still in Army bootcamp so missed her birth but will be home on Thursday to enjoy her company for 2 weeks!!