
  1. ddnene

    Happy Birthday Cheryl!!!

    Everybody please join me in wishing Cheryl a a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!! Cheryl is the proud mom to Vegas and Orion... and we are so blessed to have them in our lives. I got the privilege of meeting all 3 of them a couple of years ago, and Cheryl is an amazing woman. I think my hubby feel...
  2. harveyspecter

    Cosequin DS Plus - from Costco

    Merry X'mas to all of you EBN'ers. I am exploring the glucosamine/chondroitin area and came accross this brand from Costco. Two bottles @ 180 for a total count of 360 for $100. Do you have good results?, is there a better brand that you recommend? :detective:
  3. agingermom

    My new Granddaughter

    Introducing my new grandaughter (my first biological one!!), Miss Ailyn Marie. She was born on Dec 12 after giving her mom hell!! She was 7 lbs 8 0z and 20 inches long. My son is still in Army bootcamp so missed her birth but will be home on Thursday to enjoy her company for 2 weeks!!