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  • Hi Christine! I can't seem to get the hang of this site. Guess I'm too old. Tried to post a couple of pics. but no-go. I miss the old site! Can't even find "private messages". Don' know much since the covid hosp. Just Was told I was at death's door Only remember the last 2 days, but now my hair is falling out. The only thing I had that was pretty good! I hope you and your 3 boys are well. Love ya, Lynn
    Hey Girlfriend(I hope!) There is a post with title Purina bought out Acana? When I try to open it, it tells me that I am not allowed for some reason. I can open all other posts-what is with that? I hope you are doing well and have not been sick. I am losing my mind here by myself(just dogs), I love the dogs, but they have gotten so spoiled now, I can't even leave the room, they all jump up and follow! Too much covid time! Love you,gal
    Hi Christine, Sorry for not seeing this sooner but I have been doing most correspondence through taptalk. I was in the hospital 10-22-10-26 becasue I kept falling down which was secondary to electrolyte imbalance. On the mend as of today. Bloodtest last week was normal, mainly sodium and magnesium. This all started due to the no chew diet i've been on due to dental surgery. So yes, no turkey for me on T-day but I had dressing, gravy and some corn casserole I made. So I was not intaking the nutrients I needed (meat withdrawal).

    Jewel is OK and is daddy's princess. Bentley thinks he is Cujo and bit me on the leg because I looked threatening to him and the fact I took a piece of paper off the floor that he was fixated on. Still a work in progress.

    Thanks for checking on me.

    Take care and I hope your holidays are great.

    Best regards,

    Roger (aka Relampago Blanco)
    Can you PLEASE remove the 3 photos in the "favorite picture" contest, that I got on there by mistake?! I can't get them off-thank you! I am such a srew-up;)
    hello, hope you and the family are all good. Can you guide me where to find the hall of fame section where you see the present and past winners of the contests. I have seen it before and now i do not know where to find it.
    Jewel is on a low-fat diet due to her history of pancreatitis. Bentley is on a special diet as well and doing good. Bentleys meds have cleared up his eye stains.

    Sure you don't need a Darth Vader Clapper. Lewis might get a kick out of it especially after the pep talk.
    I have been on and off here and there. Jewel is doing pretty good. she had an oncology visit before Christmas and cancer wise OK; however, she has developed heart dysrhythmia and will be looked at again Monday the 20th. Jewel also has allergies but dermatologist doesn't want to treat her until heart condition resolved.

    Bentley has allergies and is now on immunotherapy with serums by mouth twice daily. Allergic to 11 grasses, 16 trees and a host of others.
    Hey, Girlfriend! I sent a Christmas card to Carol, at the address provided, and it came back yesterday-saying "undeliverable". Do you know anything about that....has something happened-or did I screw up? Have you talked to her?
    Hello 2BullyMama
    Would you please read my post and see if you can offer some advice. Would truly appreciate this.
    Did you start an ornament exchange sharing thread for this year? I couldn't find one... Lol
    Thank you for your kindness towards me and my doggie fam. ! You are very important to me-Love you!!!
    Hello, i want to know uf a 8 months british bulldog can easaly adapt in a new home with new owners ?

    Thanks for your help
    Hi this is Lucy I have a 3 yr old bully. I just realized today that she has a boil between her paw. looks like a round red pimple. Can you give me some advise on how to treat this? I very much appreciate it.I know you have helped me before on some questions. Never owned a bully.
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