Chunky White
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  • All good news!!! I'm sure you're glad to be home, and Chunky is a happy camper!!!
    YES Walter's birthday is the same day... you don't get notifications? That's weird... contact 2BullyMama, she is helpful in that department. Hope all is going well for you & Chunky!!!
    OMG!! So glad to hear your are doing well and Chunky is loving his new truck, GREAT choice!! These girls are totally getting something All wheel drive next time, winters in the NE are no fun drive in. Spring has finally arrived for us here NEPA, and the doc thinks Ellie has some allergies, so he put her on Benedryl for little bit, that stinker know when its time for medicine, but mommy is smarter - HAHAHAHAH!! Hope you are guys are well and enjoying the spring.
    We are great!! Hope you feel better soon, there is SOOOO much yucky going around, cant wait to see Chunk in his new ride when the Spring weather comes...
    Happy Birthday Wes!! Super cool day for a birthday... Blue Blood Super Moon! Have a great day and enjoy your party! (Chunky and Jersey talk... haha) xo Susan and Jersey

    so my poor 1 year old bulldog George has had a rough time of late, at 8 months, (sep 2017) we noticed blood in his urine, also wee'ing inside the house like he couldn't control it and trying to wee loads and not able to wee outside. we went straight to the vet, he had several antibiotics and anti inflammatory meds- thought it was an infection and cystitis , then at the end of Nov he had an operation to have stones removed...we now know they are cystine stones, he has had to come off his AATU dry food and is now on hill's UD wet food. he hasn't been neutered, the vet sad he will do it late Jan.

    any advise.... I would really appreciate it, just want to do the best I can for George

    kind regards,
    Hey Wes, I see we have the same birthday. Where are you in TN? Manydogs was asking me where I was, we are 220 miles apart. She said you were the closest to me. I am in Clinton half an hour from Knoxville.
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