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  • Aww, I just saw the picture of her, she is so cute<3 Glad she's helping you heal your broken heart <3
    I am so sorry about Matilda. I am sending Prayers to You and Your Family. How did she pass away? Love, Susan
    I'm so so sorry for your loss of Matilda:*( I love the photo of her with the rabbit ears, so very precious:heart: Thinking of you.
    I'm so very sorry to hear about your Matlidaā€¦ my sincerest condolences :(
    Brandi, I'm so sorry to hear of Matilda's passing. My heart breaks for you and please know that we are here for you. May Matilda rest in peace.
    I am so very sorry to hear about your sweet baby. I believe they aren't given as much time period, why we can't have them longer. As my Tyson gets older (he's 9 now) I start to think about how much time he has left, and it breaks me to pieces. He is my whole world, and has been such a blessing to me. Bc of him, I made it through some of the roughest times of my life, but all I can do is think back to our times, love him as much as I can while he's here, and know that one day we will be reunited again regardless....no one promises me tomorrow either. I am praying for you in this time of loss, remember the good times, and remember that she knew how much she was loved. Love, Jessica & Ty-Ty
    :welcome3: to EBN radiogirl107! I'm Henny :weird: and I've just come by to welcome you to the forum! You can click on my name cali baker at the top of this box and you'll be taken directly to my profile page if you need any assistance or have any questions. There you can post a "Visitor Message" like this one :up: You can also post an Introduction in the "Welcome and Intro Forum". Everyone will want to meet you!
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