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  • I couldn't help but notice that your interests are the same as mine! ha[: Bully's,Bikes and books. I love them all aswell! [: I'm Sabina.
    He is very healthy, but I am honestly thinking he is going to need a set of wheels when he gets bigger. I am not giving up hope tho.... and I will be considering homes for him who can give him the love and care he needs. He can walk, but he more like scoots. We think it is being caused by spina bifida, not sure yet. His legs are always peed on.... not sure if it is because he has SB or if it is because he does not go anywhere but where he sits. I love his sweet little butt so much I only want to do what is best for him. I will continue to work with him, even if he hobbles forward funny at least he is going somewhere. Cute little stinker!
    Oh my you have a horse! You should join our new forum too! We would love to have a horse join in the fun as well as your bully!

    its called pets can talk too (petscantalktoo.com)
    My dear friend, I'm very sorry to hear about dx of rheumatoid, it's autoimmune like Lupus & Sjogren's (two that I have), are you on any meds yet? The great news is, they finally are funding, researching & developing new approaches and drugs for these diseases.

    Thank you for the invitation,we will do that! Only if you stop by our place in Tyler, TX (far east TX, on the border almost of Shreveport,LA
    We'd love to have you & yours, anytime!

    Love barrel racing, takes so much courage and hard work to master and competitive nature to continue it-right proud to know ya!
    Honored to have you as a friend! I see we have lots in common, we know about the Vettes & Bulldogs but I love and owned horses but can't ride now :hissycry:
    Before we had our son, we loved and owned motorcycles but he was such a daredevil we sold ours before he got into high school...he's 23 y/o and wants
    one (fingers crossed, daily prayers)...too many ignorant automobile drivers on the road-killing our motorcycles enthusiasts!
    I try to be as helpful as I can with what I know from my own experiences. :D It's a great site that's for sure. I see you have three horses too, my sister has horses as well, always has. Yep, this place is addicting no doubt!! Heck I'm at the lake right now and here I am on my iPad....:LMAO: Have a good one!
    Thanks for the Reputation, that was very nice. :welcome: to EBN too! I'm way behind in my welcomes....whoopsie! I have a friend that's a medical transcriptionist, I see you're one too. Glad you found us!! :up:
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