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  • WOW she looks purebred!!! Holy Cow what a horrid situation, that's crazy... Siamese do talk a lot!!! I've heard that cats can get preg from several different males for the same litter... who knows? I'm so glad you rescued her from that situation...
    My grandparents used to breed Siamese cats. They are my earliest cat memories, and they have the BEST personalities!!! LOL
    I just wanted you to know that your pets are adorable!!! I LOVE siamese cats too :heart:
    Lauren, you are becoming a wonderful photographer, your pictures keep getting better and better!!
    Where in Iowa do you live? I am also from Iowa
    Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I am so grateful with everyone on this site.
    Thanks for the comment on my topic! Your Baby is ADORABLE! I'm also 20..and I WAS a nursing student, but changed my major to education. :) Hope to talk to you often :)
    Awww. No rush. I would love that.
    Hope all is well with you and that pretty bully of yours!
    Hi LaurenCan you see them now that we are "friends"? I know that baby duke an view them. Hope you can see them. If not let me know and I can try to email some to you!!
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