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  • Just checked in and left a pic of Cali. How are you doing? Sorry its been such a long time. Haley my wife talks to be about the forum but I just didnt make time due to my over whelming schedule. SORRY :(
    SPLAT!!!! You have been hit by the Christmas Snowball :snowballfight:

    Pass it forward to 5 cannot Splat!! the person who got you :christmas4:
    Thank you so much for your kind words! I am very grateful! Please continue to keep my baby in your prayers!
    Well, the back is status quo ---- I'm supposed to have another 'spinal procedure' next week , but I'm holding off until next month. It's just become toooooo expensive.

    Max is doing good. I'm waiting to get him into the Vet for Blood Allergy testing.....I'll feel much better after I know what his Allergies are due to !

    how you doing?

    - Patrick
    Thanks for the comment. Yes, Hambone is really cute. Even when he's a great giant pain in the rear. Mocha looks like a cool mush. I'll bet Mocha loves belly rub too.
    Thanks, she sure is quite the character and we encourage her to express her she doesn't really like her coat, I think the snow distracted her. There are pics somewhere of her trying it on when we first got it :rofl: you can see how disgruntled she was. Thanks for posting pics of you and your beautiful family you all look very happy. :)
    Hi, OMG, I was so thrilled to see your message. How very kind of you to think of Maximus and me. Maximus is dealing with a skin problem right now, and is on Antibiotics and steroids, and I'm dealing with a bad back (seeing a Pain management M.D.) had a spinal injection procedure on Tuesday, and an injection yesterday. Ugh ! But we're hanging in there. Thank you so much for your note, you made my Day!
    Thank you LisaMarie for the nice thoughts. I truly appreciate yours and everyone's support during this time for me, and Ace. He's my 'it' dog. I love them all but he was my baby. :) Have a very nice day!! :)
    Hi LisaMarie! I feel like we may have run into you around Church street over the summer and you were the one that suggested EBN! I remember you showing me a picture of Mocha on your phone :) . Thanks for telling me about the site, its helped a lot.
    I've relocated to Southern VT for a while but I'd love to get the bullies together when I get back to the area in the spring.
    Hi just have to tell you...Mocha's avatar picture is too cute! Erika and Princess
    Samson is doing good. I have him on the bland diet and giving him some pedialyte which I always do when he throws up or has diarrhea multiple times to help prevent from dehydration. He has refused to go out and poo since yesterday morning because we have had alot of rain and he HATES the rain so not sure if that has gotten better yet or not LOL. These bullys, so stubborn! Thank you for asking!
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