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  • Hey there! For both my boys, it was not an option, sleep apnea was very bad . Nitschke was done in 2006 and was about $3000, he was 55lbs and had three other things addressed while in surgery. Cheli was done last year and at 22lbs cost was $1300 for nares and palate reduction. Both of them healed up quick and only had to keep them calm for about a week, soft food for the first two or three days. One thing, my vet usually will not these procedures till the pup is at least 2 yrs old.... Until they finish growing.

    Hope that helps.... Anything else you need just ask
    :welcome3: to EBN Diana and Miss Piggy! I'm Henny :weird: and I've just come by to welcome you to the forum! You can click on my name cali baker at the top of this box and you'll be taken directly to my profile page if you need any assistance or have any questions. There you can post a "Visitor Message" like this one :up: You can also post an Introduction in the "Welcome and Intro Forum". Everyone will want to meet you!
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