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  • My Punkie Brewster has a very deep tail pocket with a tight corkscrew tail. I have talked to her vet about amputation but he doesn't think her tail is that bad. Last time she was at the vet for an eye issue, I had him check her tail. He informed me that they don't do tail amputations any longer because they had a "problem" with the last tail amputation. That statement made me even more fearful about having her's amputated. I clean Punkie's pocket/tail a couple of times a week, it always has gunk and hair and is ALWAYS warm and moist and has an odor. I use an antiseptic/antifungal wash and then dry the pocket/tail as best I can and then follow-up with some antifungal cream. All that being said, I would like ANY/ALL comments and/or suggestions any of you have. Punkie is three years old and I would like to avoid surgery if at all possible. If someone has a good cleaning/drying ritual that works, I would be forever grateful if you would share it with me.
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