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  • :snowballfight: SPLAT!! You have been hit with a snowball!!! Pass it on to 5 people, but you can't hit the one that hit you!!
    Thanks for asking about Ellie. She's doing great in regards to the spaying. She hasn't messed with her incision any and it seems to be healing nicely. No redness or swelling that I can see and the stitches are on the inside and dissolvable. She was groggy for the first couple of days and napped a good bit, but then was back to her normal self. The vet sent her home with some pain pills for the first couple of days, but she did fine once those were used up. We did make it a point to carry her up and down the stairs and pick her up when she wanted on the couch for the first 5 days, just to keep that stress off of her though. The only issue that we ran into was some mucus colored discharge from her nose as her nasal passages were cauterized to make it a little easier to breath while she was under. We had to get an anti-biotic for that, but no other issues. I'm sure things will be fine for Tuni and that your vet will do everything possible to make sure she's ok.
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