Does anyone here live near Chicago??


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Buffalo NY
Bulldog(s) Names
Ugghh.. I am just at my wits end trying to figure this college stuff out with my now "senior" in high school. I don't know how many of you have had to do this before..but if it's coming your way in the future.. good luck!! LOL My daughter is very smart, involved in every activity she could be in, class officer..etc. So, she will have a good chance to get into a lot of schools that she will be applying to. BUT, she is a darn procrastinator and doesn't even have her application letter started yet and early admission deadline is 11/1 or 11/15 at most schools, schools she has a good chance of getting accepted to if she just would get on the ball! :rolleyes:

Anyway, about plan is to fly us into Chicago to visit UIC on one of their "visit" days..and then we will fly back home later that afternoon/evening. Do you know how far from Midway airport that is..and if I land at 8:15 am if I could make the 9:00am session?

I know I could mapquest..but that would give me distances and not really take into account traffic etc.

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