Maybe it's just me?!!?


New member
Sep 5, 2010
New Jersey
Bulldog(s) Names
I just had to post this. My hubby's calls about an add posted in a pizza shop. 1yr old female bully. 500.00 or best offer!! Ughh I'm already getting angry. So the lady starts by saying oh sorry we need a female owner, she growls at my husband!! Umm can't she be worked with?? She's still a baby!! I know I'm not Cesar milan but how bout training, not selling??
Sorry peeps, just needed to vent!!
If it weren't the husband excuse it would be something else, some peeps shouldn't be dog owners, just like not everybody should have children. Wack'd out world we live in. Hope the poor thing finds a good forever home.
I just had to post this. My hubby's calls about an add posted in a pizza shop. 1yr old female bully. 500.00 or best offer!! Ughh I'm already getting angry. So the lady starts by saying oh sorry we need a female owner, she growls at my husband!! Umm can't she be worked with?? She's still a baby!! I know I'm not Cesar milan but how bout training, not selling??
Sorry peeps, just needed to vent!!

Maybe its just a scam?
I get so frustrated every time I see that as well. One girl in Jacksonville posted on the Marine base website that she was trying to get rid of her bulldog because he is just AND I QUOTE "SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LAZY." REALLY!? You wouldn't do ANY reading on a breed before you got them?! People make me so angry. If I didn't already have Kramer I would have adopted him just to take him off of his incredibly ignorant owner. UGGHH.
Unfortunately, some people get dogs like they get shoes. When it goes out of style, they dump them.

Do you still have the information for the dog? Can see if I can get it in a rescue?

I'm actually going to call her back and talk to her about the situation. Im not sure how important the money is but I will mention the bulldog rescue.
@golfrmom54, she must have taken it down. I'm hoping that means she found a loving owner for him and not because she just abandoned him at a shelter.
How sad! I've become so attached to Einstein...I couldn't imagine our house without him. Boggles my mind that people can be so irresponsible and selfish. My sister in law is like this with dogs. Once they're not a puppy anymore she doesn't like them. She made my brother get rid of his dog (which is now living at my parents) then she got a puppy. Well then she got tired of him so they gave him away. Oh people....
It really is so frustrating :bang: makes me not be a very nice person with the thoughts I get when I see that sort of thing :bitchslap:

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