Oh...that's where it went.


Pistol Packing Bullyagrapher
Staff member
May 5, 2010
United States
Bulldog(s) Names
Vegas and Orion
I noticed several weeks ago that something had gone missing on Orion's kennel. I looked for it and couldn't find it. Well, it turned up suddenly today. Yep. Orion threw it up this morning. I have a video of Orion that shows it missing on March 24th. I've been looking through my archives trying to pinpoint a better date....but Orion and Vegas have been extra trouble tonight.
Oh My! Thank goodness Orion threw it up! It looks like it could have been big enough to possibly cause a problem down the road!
That is scary, not something you would expect to be in her belly. I would have freaked out.
Glad O Puked!! LOL er,, maybe I should rephrase that.. ;)
Oh my!! Its amazing what these guys will eat. I'm glad she threw it up. Won't have to worry about it getting stuck anywhere.
How the heck did she get that? I guess you should take the bottom one off!!! yikes!!
How the heck did she get that? I guess you should take the bottom one off!!! yikes!!

Orion usually uses her paw to open her kennel when she wants in. I've also seen her grab the top lock and pull her kennel open with her mouth..but usually she uses her paw. I bet someone left her in charge of herself while they were upstairs on the computer.
Does Moe have these on his kennel? She has one on each lock...both front and side. So a total of 4 errrrr 3 now. [MENTION=900]KMARINO[/MENTION] What about Vegas?
Orion usually uses her paw to open her kennel when she wants in. I've also seen her grab the top lock and pull her kennel open with her mouth..but usually she uses her paw. I bet someone left her in charge of herself while they were upstairs on the computer.

I wonder who that someone is? =)

This may be a dumb question, but did she throw it up in pieces? It's a really scary looking piece.
Nope. She :barf: it up whole. I probably could have washed it off and put it back on (with superglue):eek:
So glad that came up!! It is too big! Ssooooo scary!
Oh my! I too am glad to hear she threw it up. Ace has up chucked lots of stuff over the years, mainly pieces of basketballs he rips apart. He's also had two vet visits over the years, including one surgery when he was 2 for a rope he ate.

Oh now I gotta say to you, you're :evil: :evil:. You got me with your April Fool's joke!!! Shame on you! :) I was camping and checked in on Friday from an Iphone and didn't read the entire post, I was heartbroken for you and Orion and thought about it quite a bit that night. I"m gonna get you back my pretty!!! :evil: :LMAO:
Oh now I gotta say to you, you're :evil: :evil:. You got me with your April Fool's joke!!! Shame on you! :) I was camping and checked in on Friday from an Iphone and didn't read the entire post, I was heartbroken for you and Orion and thought about it quite a bit that night. I"m gonna get you back my pretty!!! :evil: :LMAO:

hahaha. Next year on April Fools I'm not going to believe anything anyone posts unless the op is a newb.

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