

New member
May 12, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Bulldog(s) Names
So over the past 24 hours, Ramsay has had very squinty eyes - to the point where he doesn't open them, walks into things, and is pawing at them. When he does open them, his inner eyelid is very dark pink and extends far up into his eye. Then this morning he woke up, eyes still squinted shut, but he's been licking his lips/nose like crazy - like it's irritated.

My boyfriend's roomate is a vet, and she said it may have to do with the growth of his eye lids and the little eyelashes bugging his eyes, but I think it's more likely allergies. He went to play with another puppy yesterday morning at their house and was outside in their garden apparently. They have quite an extensive garden, so I'm thinking he may have gotten into something and had a bad reaction? I gave him some benadryl a couple hours ago, but it doesn't seem to have helped at all.

Does this seem like an allergic reaction to something? How long should I wait before I see a vet... walking into things is amusing to watch, but I feel so bad for the guy!! :(

Edit: there's a clear, watery mucus coming from his nose. I think that's why he may be lapping at it. Looking more and more like allergies to me.
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It could be allergies but it also could be some kind of eye irritation ,it is very hard to say , when it cones to their eyes i would go and see a vet -they can examine your boy making sure there is no damage to the eye or cornea etc , check your baby all over etc
I would take him to the vet as soon as you can, it could be the eye lashes doing it and if so the longer you wait the better chance of him getting an eye ulcer and they are very painful, or he already has an eye ulcer. So I would take him in tomorrow if you can.
it could be allergies and you can give him a bath to see if it helps some but with that kind of reaction i would see the vet and make sure he is ok. did you give enough benadryl its 1 pill for 25 pounds and it does wear off so you can give it twice a day or even 3 times a day. has he been ok up until the visit.
Agree with above advice, it worries me he isn't wanting to open his eyes- worth having them checked for a scratches or eyelash rubbing.

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I think you should take him in to get his eyes checked out to be safe. You mentioned you bf's roomie is a vet and she also suggested it's not allergies and I would think her advice would be pretty good if she's a vet. Better safe than sorry.

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