I think I have a billygoat


The New Casper
Staff member
May 15, 2013
Blips and Chitz
Bulldog(s) Names
Harlea 5/4/13 - 8/25/22
Ok. I know many dogs eat grass from time to time because some like it and others because they have an upset stomach. I think I need to have a DNA test done on Harlea because I think she is part billygoat. She doesn't do it all the time, but when it is getting close to time for the weekly yard work she goes in to overdrive and starts grazing various patches of the taller grass around the yard like it is evil or something. Is this normal or should I be worried?
Lol she is a bullygoat :ROFL: She is so cute. Maybe she is eating it cos her tummy is upset? I've always read dogs eat grass when that s the case..but not sure to what extent it's ok. I know I they eat too much they will throw up.
That's the odd thing. She is acting fine and being her usual rowdy self. No signs of distress or irritation at all no running to the door excessively to go out or anything that would point to signs of an upset tummy. She loves to demolish any leaf she find on the ground as well.
Well maybe she just likes it? Or is trying to get some nutrients from it? She isn't throwing up tho right? The grass makes them throw up which is actually what makes them feel better as weird as that is.
Nope. She never throws up. Doesn't even gag.
Well then the bullygoat theory is the winner! Lol I think dogs just eat it if and when they can. maybe they hunt it and it tastes good. Brie attacks n tries to demolish leaves as well...especially if they move!
Hi, welcome to bully world. Lol. It is very normal. I also have a BullyGoat, my Dozer eats anything that's not nailed down, he eats grass, and when the landscapers come into our complex and cut the grass, he will dive into the piles and grab as much as he can and eat it. I keep him away on the days they cut the grass, but he eats many other things outside like stones, pinecones, sticks, pieces of wood, paper , bugs, leaves, and then there are the things that are inside he has eaten socks twice, a dish cloth, paper towel, and who knows what else? He has always passed the objects either by throwing it up, or pooping it out. Yep we have bully goats.
Hi, welcome to bully world. Lol. It is very normal. I also have a BullyGoat, my Dozer eats anything that's not nailed down, he eats grass, and when the landscapers come into our complex and cut the grass, he will dive into the piles and grab as much as he can and eat it. I keep him away on the days they cut the grass, but he eats many other things outside like stones, pinecones, sticks, pieces of wood, paper , bugs, leaves, and then there are the things that are inside he has eaten socks twice, a dish cloth, paper towel, and who knows what else? He has always passed the objects either by throwing it up, or pooping it out. Yep we have bully goats.

Ok I feel a bit better now. I knew they liked to eat almost anything they could get their mouths on but just wasn't too sure about the whole grass situation. Being that she doesn't show signs of distress or illness I will just keep an eye on it and not let her go overboard with it.
Just asked the vets office about eating grass..they called to check on Brie. They sad eating grass is normal and very typical and as long as she isn't showing signs of illness or over eating it..not to worry. But to make sure the grass she is munching on does not have any chemicals on it
Completely normal in my house. Luca loves to eat grass, upset stomach or not.
Just asked the vets office about eating grass..they called to check on Brie. They sad eating grass is normal and very typical and as long as she isn't showing signs of illness or over eating it..not to worry. But to make sure the grass she is munching on does not have any chemicals on it

The only thing we have done to our yard is our bi-monthly exterminator visits and everything they use is pet friendly/safe so even if she did get a hold of it she would have to consume a minimum of 5 pounds before she got sick so I am not too worried about that. The good thing is we haven't had ants or fleas in the yard for 14 years.
Ok. I know many dogs eat grass from time to time because some like it and others because they have an upset stomach. I think I need to have a DNA test done on Harlea because I think she is part billygoat. She doesn't do it all the time, but when it is getting close to time for the weekly yard work she goes in to overdrive and starts grazing various patches of the taller grass around the yard like it is evil or something. Is this normal or should I be worried?
Totally normal. Buster grew out of it but when he was that age he would do it. Almost like it was an attention getter. He still always is PAY ATTENTION TO ME!!!
The only thing we have done to our yard is our bi-monthly exterminator visits and everything they use is pet friendly/safe so even if she did get a hold of it she would have to consume a minimum of 5 pounds before she got sick so I am not too worried about that. The good thing is we haven't had ants or fleas in the yard for 14 years.

I think we need to do something like that here. Hubby put down some stuff but I don't know how well it works. If I see another tick then I'm calling. Never had flea issues, just ants n now ticks yuck!
Ruggles ate grass at his breeders and at 6.5 years old continues to. He doesn't chew it well and it gives him loose stool. He also eats flowers. We do what we can to keep him away from grass and flowers!

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