Wish me Luck!!


New member
Sep 9, 2010
West Branch Iowa
Bulldog(s) Names
Well after seeing all the Bullies in their Halloween costumes I have decided it would just be neglect if Bacon didn't get a costume on his first Halloween, so I'm going to try and make one tomorrow on my day off!:up:
oooooh I can't wait to see what you come up with! Are you telling or is it a surprise?
WELL... I cant keep a secret so Im just going to have to tell!!! Im going to make him a BLT :lol:

Im going to make 2 slices of bread, a leaf a lettuce, and a nice big tomato slice.... and Bacon.... well hes the bacon! I'm hoping my plan will work!
OMG I cannnnnnoooooot wait to see it! How exciting!!!!
Im very excited to make it- Im not exactly sure how its going to turn out... But I have a pretty good idea of what materials I'm going to use... My best friends going to help me, so hopefully it will be accomplished in a couple of hours tomorrow :) Ill post pics ASAP (I have a lot of pics I need to put on here... like showing Bacons eye after surgery! :whistle:)
Good luck!!! I am making one for Bear too because I procrastinated too long in ordering one. Can't wait to see Bacon in costume :up:
That is going to look so fun!!! Can't wait to see pics!!!
Ahh that is a great idea? how did it turn out?? cant wait to see pictures
Hey guys! Turned out very cute!!! Having a hard time getting him to wear it, but ill put up picks tomorrow! I'm sorry Ive been very busy with work and school for the last couple days, but I have time afters vet appointment tom. morning so ill get them up! :up:

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