Finally Picked up BREMBO.... So is this what having kids is like?!


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May 3, 2012
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Hey everyone,

So I posted before my shopping list for Brembo, my 13wk English Bulldog. Well, little did I know that I was still VERY underprepared!! I need more play toys, as this little guy tries to bite almost everything!

Anyone have any advice for the chewing. I have a pleathora of Kongs, Rubber Bones, Nylabones, and treats, but he really takes to this soft Tuffie Ring (you'll see in the video below) which makes me think that he just needs more soft toys to chew.

I've been reading a lot and have read that the absolute best thing to do is just to keep his mouth stimulated with treats, food, and toys. So i'll continue to do this unless anyone has any other suggestions.

Anyway, we woke up at 4:45am to start moving into a new house. After 2 U-Haul loads (we packed my house and my girlfriends house as we moved in together), we were left with stacks of boxes all over the house. I was able to clean up a bit and put together the playpen and crate for Brembo in anticipation of picking him up.

This little guy is amazing. Apparently he just had a growth spurt through his legs, so he's not used to them and as a result is fairly clumsy!!

After just one day I have accustomed him to eating and sleeping in the crate. He had an accident the first night (poop) even though I took him out at 3:30am to go to the bathroom. Apparently I should have stayed out longer, as when i came down to get him at 6:30, he was sitting in his poop with a sad look on his face.

Fastforward to last night, and while he didn't have any accidents in the crate, when he came in after peeing he proceeded to start pooping on the floor while I was making his breakfast. Luckily I caught him in the act, so I rushed him outside to his bathroom spot and praised him as he finished pooping.

Today my girlfriend told me that he's been great all day, sleeping in the crate with the door open, taking treats from strangers coming in to deliver things, and not having any accidents.

I've successfully taught him to sit on command, so for the rest of the week I will be focused on this repetition, indoors and outdoors, with other people giving him the command. If he's successful we'll move onto a new trick next week. Did you guys try teaching your dogs the sit/lay down at once?

Another thing is that he seems to have gooey eyes. The breeder gave me some medicine to put in his eyes once a day until the bottle is finished, so hopefully this will help him out. Doesn't seem like a big deal, so if anyone has heard about this, please shed some light for me.

I'm going to the pet store today to get some Nature's Miracle cleaner and some new toys! So excited to have him, but boy is he a lot of work right now.

I've noticed some redundancies that I hope you can clear up. Everyone states to take the dog out every 2-3 hours depending on his age. They also say to take him out 15-20min after he eats. So in the morning, I go downstairs, take him directly outside, and let him eliminate. I then bring him inside, make his food, and he eats.. So now I am supposed to take him outside again 20min later, right? Well, when I take him out again, obviously he runs around and has a blast of a time....he also gets thirsty. So now he's already peed, already played, yet now he has to drink. So do I let him drink and then contain him for 2-3 more hours, or do I wait another 20min for him to pee?

What I am getting at is that by the definitive recommended rules, it seems that a 20min potty break can turn into an hour long food poop sleep cycle. PLEASE someone elaborate on this.

Lastly, and I don't want to stop typing but I have to bc I'm at work, I thought you guys may want to see some pictures. This guy is
absolutely stunningly adorable. He has a light brindle coat that kind of looks like a tiger. He has dark hair around both of his eyes and his nose, so he kind of looks like a masked superhero of sorts LOL.

So I present to you, BREMBO (bad iphone pics but have already taken some better ones that I'll upload in the picture gallery):



..And here's a quick video I shot of him playing around. Please watch in HD if your computer is capable!
--Take note: he's wearing a collar in the video because I am putting it on him for short 1-hour periods at a time so he gets used to it. Once he's relaxed, i'll add a leash and let him run around with it. I DO NOT leave the collar on him all the time and ESPECIALLY not unsupervised =)

Looking forward to your comments!!

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Alice Kable

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Dec 17, 2010
Joseph, Oregon, United States
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Brembo is adorable! Congratulations, Adam, and welcome to EBN. My dogs have a pet door and an older dog that handles the potty training so I'm not much help there!


Mar 25, 2011
Southern California
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:jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:

He is so handsome! Such a face and you are doing a wonderful job! As far as the crate can often turn into a Longer session of training...but the most important thing to remember is to be consistent. always out after eating..drinking and playing. You'll get it down so he won't go potty then repeat every 15 minutes. Just try and have his bladder empty before he goes in crate for an extended time. He will catch on very quickly!


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Feb 16, 2012
Lexington, KY
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Congratulations on your new addition. He is so cute! Has the same coloring as my guy. The important thing is to be consistent with your schedule and he will adjust. Tank always goes out to pee as soon as we get up. He then gets his breakfast and then goes back outside to poop - almost immediately after eating. Stay serious at potty time, give the command and then stay quiet, calm, with little interaction and do not encourage playing. Once he goes, praise with treat and THEN playtime is on... They will learn quickly business before may need to use a leash for a while until he figures it all put. Enjoy! They grow up too quick. More pictures, too, please :)


Head Pooper Scooper
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Mar 21, 2011
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Welcome Adam to the site and congrats on Brembo, he is just too cute. Sounds like you are on a good start with the potty training, just keep it up and you will soon learn his schedule. We never withhold water from our pups or adult dogs. They have access to water 24/7, even in their crates. He will out grow the biting stage, so be patient, just give him a chew toy when he is chewing on something he should not. They like chewing on pants, feet, hands, shoes, and just about anything. You have a sweet baby there so enjoy the puppy days as they do not last that long. I enjoyed the pics and video and looking forward in watching him grow up.


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Oh my,

he is absolutely gorgeous and what I see from the video also a handful:D you're all so lucky!
We had a crate and a playpen around it. For the first 2 months it seems like you're taking him out all the time, day and night, but the more you se trouble in this stage the shorter time it takes.
Really nice bed you have found for him....


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May 30, 2012
United States
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OH MY GOSH! So cute! I could watch that video all day! Congrats!


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Mar 31, 2010
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Adorable! The biting is a stage, but you can redirect his biting fom feet/hands to toys.


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Nov 8, 2011
Millbrook, Alabama
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I feel you on the chewing. Shug is driving me nuts! Sometimes she listens when you tell her no, other times she tests us. It depends on how wired she is, :lmao:. I am having trouble keeping calm and assertive with her crazy butt! And she is only 10 weeks... I don't look forward to the doggy "terrible twos".

As for crate training, I take Shug out A LOT. When she comes out of her crate. After she eats. A little while after she drinks. After she's played a little while. After a nap. Before going in her crate. At 2:30am, then at 6:00am when I get up. I really just watch her. The more you pay attention, the more you pick up their little signs that they might need to go. Shug will either sniff a lot, start running around with her nose to the floor and not paying attention to toys, or she gets cranky and tries to lay down but can't sit still. Whenever in doubt, take him out!


I'm not who moved my bulldog?
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Jul 28, 2011
Gilbertsville, PA
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OH MY ,,,, that video was adorable. he is so sweet!

as for potty... you use those times you listed as guidelines and until you get him on the schedule you want try to have outdoor time be potty time so he learns potty first -- then play, otherwise you are out there for a long time.

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